Bet on Ontario’s minority premier, bucking history, to go for tax hikes to improve transit as an election draws nearer

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne is about to do something very courageous — and pull a Joe Clark.

Clark, you’ll recall, who’d defeated Pierre Trudeau to become prime minister, tabled a budget bill in December 1979 that would have hiked the gas tax by 18 cents a gallon, or just under four cents a litre.

His Progressive Conservative government — six seats short of a majority — was defeated on a budget non-confidence motion and fell. Two months later, in 1980, Trudeau was again prime minister and Clark relegated to history’s scrap heap.

Go back further, to the 1974 federal election. Amid rampant inflation, PC leader Robert Stanfield campaigned on imposing wage and price controls.

The Trudeau Liberals — yes, them again — opposed the plan and fought the election by campaigning strongly against such controls. Trudeau often mocked Stanfield, laughing you couldn’t simply say: “Zap! You’re frozen!” and the economy would magically comply. It was also the campaign that produced the infamous photo of Robert Stanfield fumbling a football thrown to him, making him look inept.

Trudeau won that election, too, crushing Stanfield’s Tories. A year later, the economy fast becoming a sink hole, Trudeau pulled a ‘180’ and imposed his own version of wage and price controls, which ultimately opened the door for Joe Clark in 1979.

So, what’s all this got to do with Wynne?

The rookie premier — after almost a year on the job — finds herself at the edge of a precipice, facing quite likely the defining moment of her political career. If she chooses correctly, she’ll win the next Ontario election — widely expected next spring — and exorcise once and for all the ghost of former premier Dalton McGuinty.

But if Wynne makes the wrong choice, she and her Liberals will tumble down the mountain and be dashed on the rocks.

Wynne’s choice is what to do with the recommendations of an advisory panel on transit investment headed by Anne Golden, whom Wynne appointed.

Aptly named Making the Move: Choices and Consequences, Golden’s report focuses on revenue tools and options to improve transit and solve traffic gridlock in the greater Toronto and Hamilton areas. Oddly enough, road tolls or a regional sales tax aren’t among them.

Instead, what’s grabbed the most attention is a call to gradually add up to 10 cents a litre to the gas tax, a move that would raise $2.6 billion a year once fully rolled out. The money would be collected provincewide, but be earmarked for the areas in which it’s raised.

That, the panel says, along with increases to corporate income tax and/or the HST, would raise the money needed for transit investments.

The risk for Wynne is that because Ontario hasn’t raised gas taxes since 1992, she could face a significant backlash from voters already overburdened by a government that seems to enjoy picking their pockets. Remember, these are same Liberals who, under McGuinty, promised no tax increases, then brought in the biggest tax hike in Ontario history — the personal health tax, or health premium as they called it.

The other problem for the Liberals, hobbled by spending scandals over gas plants and the Ornge air ambulance service, is they lack credibility in handling taxpayers’ money. Promising to dedicate to transit new revenue from tax hikes is one thing. Actually following through, is another.

Voters will have a hard time buying whatever the Liberals are selling next time around.

That, luckily, opens the door for PC Leader Tim Hudak, who recently released his party’s final white paper in its economic plan.

Entitled Building Great Cities, Hudak’s plan offers the kind of transit options taxpayers are bound to find attractive:

— Create a transportation trust fund, whose money raised can only be spent on priority transportation projects.

— Re-prioritize $12 billion in a long-term capital budget.

— Earmark for transit a portion of new revenues from a growing economy.

— Expand commercialization at transit stations, and sell surplus government lands and buildings.

As for NDP Leader Andrea Horwath, who’s propped up the minority Liberals through two budget cycles, she’s once again missing in action when it comes to transit. Maybe we’ll have a better idea where she stands by Groundhog Day, when Horwath will likely emerge, sniff the air and try to figure out which way the political wind is blowing before announcing the NDP’s plan.

So, what choice will Wynne — Toronto, which needs the transit upgrades, is her party’s fortress — make?


The Liberals never met a tax increase they didn’t like. Watch for Wynne to announce, as part of next spring’s budget, there will be a 10-cent increase to the gas tax and increases to the corporate income tax rate and the provincial portion of the HST.

It will be bold. It will be brave. It will be courageous. But in the words of a hunter friend, “that dog won’t hunt.”
